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In stock
10 days

Net Weight 90g

Comes in a handy tin!

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Net Weight: 90g

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Net Weight: 90g

In stock
10 days

Net Weight: 90g

Comes in a handy tin!

In stock
14 days

Limeleaf & Ginger Massage Candle - uplifting and refreshing with zingy citrus notes of Limeleaf and warming Ginger... absolutely divine! Great to burn in the kitchen to take away cooking smells. Perfect for getting rid of pet odours in the home! 

In stock
10 days

My go-to diffuser for the kitchen has to be my Limeleaf & Ginger Reed Diffuser  - uplifting and refreshing with zingy citrus notes of Limeleaf and warming Ginger... absolutely divine! Perfect for getting rid of cooking smells or pet odours!